Tackling “Bro-Choicers” – The Abortion Industry and Misogyny

30  August 2019

By Eden Linton

The term "bro-choice" is rising in the pro-life world. It is the term used to describe a male, who vocally advocates for the killing of humans through abortion, and deems himself somewhat of an ‘ally’ to the abortion industry.  These men often appear to aggressively advocate for reproductive rights and social justice for females…except unborn ones of course.

I mean, just when you think that the pro-abortion community couldn’t possibly become more inconsistent, they now have a posse of angry dudes screaming "no uterus, no opinion" - whilst  asserting their opinion on women with uteruses….and they say men can’t multi-task.

Bro-choicers seem present now more than ever as they have come crawling out of the woodwork to put on their fake-feminist pants and stand up for a "woman’s right to choose" to kill her child.  I will never forget the cringeworthy sight witnessed at the UK March for Life this year. A male protestor was standing, brandishing a sign which read : No Womb, No Opinion. You can imagine how amusing I found this; a man, with no womb and therefore no opinion, asserting his opinion on women with wombs. The hypocrisy is ludicrous.

We see bro-choicers awkwardly trying to exert their beliefs about killing humans online. Through this, they are determined to often whip out rhetoric such as "anti-woman", normally directed  at pro-life women who have the audacity to defend all women - including our future women in the womb.

The abortion industry in general is deeply rooted in misogyny. It has always dictated that: A. a woman cannot be equal to a man without killing her child; B. the greatest manifestation of our femininity (having children) is a weakness and should be viewed with contempt; C. women are not capable or strong enough to be mothers and be successful. All of course are simply untrue and insanely sexist.  Not to mention that the UK’s 1967 Abortion Act which enables such misogynistic attitudes, was legalised by men.

Abortion is a way for misogynists to use and abuse women in the knowledge they will not need to bear any further responsibility or commitment to her (and their possible unborn child). And bro-choicers are not exempt from these attitudes. Self-identifying as an ‘ally to women’ is simply a way to cover their tracks of misogyny.

However, the only thing worse than a self-proclaimed bro-choicer is a man who sits on the fence, twiddling his thumbs and refusing to acknowledge abortion as the greatest human rights issue of our time.

Abortion is not a topic to stay silent on. Abortion is not a topic ‘exclusive for those owning a uterus’. Abortion is an ethical issue, a human rights issue: topical for all humans regardless of sex. It’s time for the men of our society to grow a spine, stand and speak up for the lives of their innocent children. It’s time for the bro-choicers to take off the fake feminist pants and acknowledge not only their hypocrisy, but just who their hypocrisy is killing and harming. 

Tackling “Bro-Choicers” – The Abortion Industry and Misogyny

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