• Lives Worth Living

    SPUC upholds the right to life from conception until natural death, and has played a part in resisting many attempts both in Parliament and in the courts to change the law on assisted suicide.

  • End DIY Abortion: Justice for Baby Lily

    Measures allowing women to self-induce medical abortions at home, without meeting with a medical professional in person, were first approved at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. In the more than four years since this “pills by post” policy has been in place, evidence of the risk it poses to women,…

  • Fight the Leadbeater bill

    Kim Leadbeater, the Labour MP for Spen Valley, has announced that she will be bringing a bill on assisted suicide. Ms Leadbetter won top place in the private members ballot, so her bill has a high chance of succeeding if MPs vote in favour of it. The first reading will…

  • End the British Government’s cruel two-child benefit cap

    Did you know that BPAS, one of Britain’s biggest abortion providers, has identified that the Government’s punitive two-child Universal Credit limit is “a significant factor” in many women deciding to abort their child?

  • Abortion and Coercion

    Ideas about “choice” and “autonomy” are central to the abortion industry. In reality, however, many abortions take place because a woman feels she has no choice – either because of her circumstances, or because she has been forced by her partner, family, or even medical professionals. It is important to…

  • Scotland: Oppose the assisted suicide bill

    Let’s keep Scotland safe for the people we love MSP Liam McArthur (Scottish Liberal Democrat, Orkney) has lodged proposals for an Assisted Dying Scotland Members Bill. The Bill was introduced on 27th March 2024. No one wants people to suffer at the end of life. But the reality of assisted…