Top storiesThis Thursday (22 Oct) the European Parliament will vote on amendments, supported by SPUC, against coercive and sex-selective abortion. Please contact your MEPs immediately to urge them to support the amendments [
SPUC campaign alert, 19 October] held a massive rally in Madrid, the Spanish capital, on Saturday to protest against a government's bill to expand abortion. Estimates of the size of the rally vary. The regional government and the
BBC estimated the crowd to be over a million. The rally's theme was "Every life matters". [
Fr Tim Finigan, 18 October] have made a breakthrough in the development of ethically-created stem cells. Scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in America used chemicals to speed up the process of creating induced pluripotency stem (iPS) cells. iPS cells are human cells modified to have properties similar to embryonic stem cells. [
BBC, 18 October] of elderly patients who died in suspicious circumstances at a hospital in Gosport, England, have called for a new criminal investigation. The relatives have given prosecutors a dossier, calling for charges against Jane Barton, a doctor at the hospital. Medication prescribed by Dr Barton is alleged to have contributed to the patient's deaths. [
Portsmouth News, 17 October] storiesAbortionEmbryology; fertility treatment; stem cellsMaternal health and unborn healthEuthanasia and assisted suicide; disability To subscribe to SPUC's email information services, please visit The reliability of the news herein is dependent on that of the cited sources, which are paraphrased rather than quoted. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the society. © Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, 2018