'; //The Alphabetical Index goes here $results = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach($results as $result){ echo '
'; echo '
Voting Record: '."{$result->MP}".' MP
'; echo '
'."{$result->MP}". ' is standing for re-election
'; echo '
The following reflects votes which, in our view, are key indicators of the commitment of MPs on pro-life issues.
'; echo '
'; echo '
Overall '."{$result->MP}". ' has voted:
'; echo '
'; echo '- '."{$result->Pro}".' times with the pro-life lobby.'; echo '
- '."{$result->Absent}".' times was either absent or abstained.'; echo '
- '."{$result->Anti}".' times with the anti-life lobby.'; echo '
'; echo '
These totals include votes on abortion and votes on euthanasia.
'; echo '
Specifically on abortion, '."{$result->MP}". ' has voted:
'; echo '
'; echo '- '."{$result->AbortionProLife}".' times with the pro-life lobby.
'; echo '- '."{$result->AbortionAbsent}".' times was either absent or abstained.
'; echo '- '."{$result->AbortionAntiLife}".' times with the anti-life lobby.
'; echo '
'; echo '
Specifically on euthanasia, '."{$result->MP}". ' has voted:
'; echo '
'; echo '- '."{$result->EuthanasiaProLife}".' times with the pro-life lobby.
'; echo '- '."{$result->EuthanasiaAbsent}".' times was either absent or abstained.
'; echo '- '."{$result->EuthanasiaAgainst}".' times with the anti-life lobby.
'; echo '
'; } echo '