Support for Doctors and Parents

One of our key roles at SPUC is to support parents and medical professionals against the pressures they can come under. We help them protect children, before and after birth.

Support for doctors

Doctors who uphold the right to life should be protected

SPUC seeks to support doctors, nurses and midwives who protect and value human life.

Since the time of ancient Greece, the medical standards of the western world have rejected abortion and euthanasia. The Hippocratic Oath forbids doctors to engage in abortion or providing lethal drugs.

Doctors, nurses and midwives are trained to care for the sick and save lives, not to kill either before or after birth.

SPUC upholds the Hippocratic tradition and supports the right to life for everyone.

Doctors and medical students come under pressure to participate in abortion and other anti-life practices, especially from the Department of Health's Sexual Health Team, which is responsible for the government's abortion policy. The Sexual Health Team demands that doctors make abortion as widely available as possible.

SPUC works to help GPs resist the pressure to refer all women with an 'unwanted' pregnancy for abortion. One example of this is our leaflet "Abortion - Your Right to Know" - an information leaflet which GPs can share with women to give them more information about pregnancy, the effects of abortion, and alternatives.

Support for parents

Children should not be exposed to inappropriate sex education

SPUC Safe at School offers support and advice to parents where the sex and relationships education (SRE) in their child's school is inappropriate or unacceptable to them. We can advise parents about their legal rights and suggest ways in which parents can protect their children.

SPUC Safe at School advises all parents to find out at the beginning of the school year when SRE will be taught, if it is taught, in their child's school. Parents should ask to see all the resources - DVDs, workbooks etc. - which will be used in the classroom, as well as finding out whether any outside speakers come into the school to talk to pupils on puberty or sexual matters. Parents can then make an informed decision about whether to exercise their legal right to withdraw their children.

Speakers from SPUC Safe at School are happy to talk to groups of parents and others who are concerned about this issue. Parents wishing to organise a meeting should contact SPUC Safe at School on 020 8407 3463

Support for Doctors and Parents

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