Disability rights group welcomes doctors' vote against physician assisted suicide
Disability rights group welcomes doctors' vote against physician assisted suicide London, - No Less Human (NLH), the pro-life disability rights group, has congratulated doctors who voted today against "physician assisted suicide." Alison Davis, national coordinator of NLH, who is a full time wheelchair user, said: "Vulnerable people will be very encouraged to hear that 65% of doctors at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Belfast voted to overturn the BMA's previous neutral stance on so called "assisted dying", which was passed last year by a very small margin. "NLH welcomes this decision, which helps to restore our confidence in doctors. As someone who once wanted to die, and who would have qualified for "physician assisted suicide", I am relieved that the BMA has decided to restore its opposition to medical killing. "Suffering, sick and disabled people need to be able to trust their doctors to give the best possible treatment, and not to collude in the fallacy that our lives have no value. What we really need is medical help to live with dignity until we die naturally. The BMA's decision will help to keep vulnerable people safe, and will give lie to the claim that vulnerable people are 'dignified' only in death."