SPUC warning about embryo proposal

SPUC warning about embryo proposal Westminster, --The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has sounded a warning note at reports that the maximum number of embryos to be transferred to the womb in in vitro fertilisation is to be reduced. Paul Tully, SPUC general secretary, said: "In vitro fertilisation involves a huge waste of human life, regardless of the number of embryos transferred. Many embryos are created only to be discarded. This isn't just eggs or sperm, but living people after conception. "While we would welcome any reduction in loss of life caused by such fertility treatment, we must never forget the horrific cost incurred for each baby born alive. "It also remains to be seen whether the embryology authority will allow the exceptions to the proposed new rule which are being demanded by some practitioners." [Yesterday's Mail on Sunday reported that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority would soon announce that it would cut the number of embryos implanted from three to two.]

SPUC warning about embryo proposal

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