Abortion Pills: Not safe, Not simple.
Around the world abortion is undergoing a major change.
Abortion pills used in so-called medical abortions have overtaken surgical abortions.
Why is this happening?
This shift is being driven by ideological goals including, in the proponents’ words, "empowering women" through:
- The widest possible availability of abortion
- Self-managed or do-it-yourself abortions
- Reducing the involvement of medical professionals.
In Britain and Northern Ireland there are two significant campaigns underway to normalise abortion pills and reduce medical supervision:
- The decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland, England and Wales
- Giving women the second abortion pill to take at home rather than in a medical setting in Scotland, Wales and England.
Download a copy of this important briefing or order a copy using the form on this page. This is essential reading for all involved in the pro-life cause.