SPUC works in schools, colleges and universities across the UK The right to life is a universal principle that stands at the foundation of the concept of human rights. Click the links in the text to learn more about the principles beh" />


and Research

span class="ClearBoth FloatLeft SPUC-Caption">SPUC works in schools, colleges and universities across the UK

The right to life is a universal principle that stands at the foundation of the concept of human rights.

Click the links in the text to learn more about the principles behind our work, and to find out how SPUC supports pro-life education and research around the country.

Recognising the Right to Life

Every human being has the right to life - regardless of age, size, level of development or location.

Recognising the right to life as a universal principle challenges us - personally and as a society - to act on this principle by ensuring that the unborn are protected from abortion, and the disabled and vulnerable are protected from attempts to wilfully end their lives, and that all are afforded due recognition as equal members of the human family.

Secondary schools, Colleges, and Universities

It's essential that students learn the truth about human development in the womb, and the value that each and every human life has.

SPUC works in schools, to teach these basic facts to future generations. Our trained speakers go into schools, colleges and universities to teach people about the reality behind abortion.

Head to our School Talk page to book a talk at your school, or to the University page for more information on how SPUC supports pro-life students and student societies.

Educational Resources

Additionally, we supply educational materials to teachers and parents free of charge. Our Educator’s Kit is packed with diagrams, worksheets, and activities that teach on the development of the unborn child, for children from primary school age onwards.

To learn more about the right to life, abortion, discrimination against unborn children with disabilities, and other connected questions, please click the links.

Visit the e-library for educational leaflets, academic reports, and more.

Sex Education

SPUC’s Safe at School campaign opposes the sexualisation of children and teenagers by explicit classroom sex education. Safe at School promotes a different approach to sex education: Parents are the primary educators of their children in sexual matters, and it is the role of parents to talk about the intimate details of human sexuality to their own children in the privacy of their home. Safe at School advises and supports parents... find out more...


The SPUC Education and Research Trust is a registered charity set up by SPUC in 1982 to finance non-political activities such as educational projects (e.g. the How You Began foetal model project, Abortion Matters), counselling (e.g. ARCH), and research, including medical research without human embryo experimentation. Find out more….

Abortion and Women’s Health, published in 2017, is a fully referenced review based on global research and lists a catalogue of physical and mental health problems linked to terminations. Find out more…

Our e-library includes some of SPUC’s research output. If you would like more information on SPUC’s Education and Research work, or would like to submit a proposal for collaboration, please contact SPUC’s Director of Research Dr Anthony McCarthy on anthonymccarthy@spuc.org.uk.


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