Catholic Church calls out SNP’s “vicious hostility” towards pro-life Christians

A representative of the Catholic Church in Scotland has called out the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) “open and vicious hostility” towards pro-life Christians. Anthony Horan, director of the Catholic Parliamentary Office in Scotland, has slammed the SNP for its treatment of pro-life MPs within the party, such as Dr Lisa Cameron.

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “The realisation that the SNP is by now an anti-life party, which actively seeks to discriminate against Christians and especially Catholics, even within its own party, is becoming clear as it sets itself against unborn children.”

Such hostility, which threatens pro-lifers within the party with deselection, is seen as a way of influencing future abortion votes.

Mr Horan said: “Alarmingly, recent reports suggest that religious affiliation, pro-life beliefs and the belief that gender is not fluid and changeable may lead to some individuals being excluded from the SNP candidate selection process ahead of next year’s Scottish parliament elections.

“If true, this would undermine entirely Ms Sturgeon’s claim that diversity of belief was something the SNP was ‘proud of’.”

Mr Robinson said: “As Mr Horan indicates, the SNP is solidifying itself as Scotland’s premier anti-life and anti-Christian party.”

“Respect the right to freedom of conscience”

Dr Lisa Cameron SNP, MP for East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow, received a death threat against a family member earlier this year after she voted against banning pro-life vigils outside abortion clinics. Dr Cameron also faced calls for deselection after she used her free vote to stand against the legalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland in 2019.

“It was a free vote, a conscience vote”, she said. “I didn’t rebel or vote against the party whip. And yet now it’s virtually certain that abusive party activists will make sure I’m deselected and lose the job I love.

“Unfortunately, it is becoming more difficult for Christians MPs to be able to vote on matters of conscience freely due to safety concerns, as freedom of religious belief appears to be being continually eroded.”

Mr Horan defended the right of Dr Cameron and others to stand up for the unborn, however, commenting that: “It is of paramount importance that all parties respect the right to freedom of conscience in their candidate selection process and that a diversity of views is not simply tolerated, but welcomed, including the belief in the dignity of human life in the womb.”

"Thank You" Lisa

SPUC has collected 3,000 personal messages of support for Dr Cameron, which will be presented to her later this month.  You can send a personal message to Lisa here.


Catholic Church calls out SNP’s “vicious hostility” towards pro-life Christians

A representative of the Catholic Church in Scotland has called out the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) “open and vicious hostility” ...

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