Brazilian man burns girlfriend alive after she refused to abort child

Ellen Priscila Ferreira, 24, was four months pregnant when she was murdered in Coroados by the child’s father, on 17 October. She and a friend were tied up inside a car and set on fire. Both women were killed.

Ms Ferreira was pregnant with the man’s child and had refused to get an abortion. The man, aged 19, along with his 36-year-old wife, who is also pregnant, are the prime suspects, although Brazilian police are also investigating other individuals.

Paulo de Tarso, the lead investigator, said he has never investigated such a horrific crime in his career.

He said: “Ellen was pregnant with the man who killed her. He is married, but had a relationship with Ellen… The suspect’s wife was also pregnant. They both wanted Ellen to take the child away, but she did not accept it.

“To date, we are not sure how the victims were approached. We know what happened after they were tied to the car.”

The husband and wife have confessed to the crime.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This shocking crime, perpetrated because a woman sought to protect her child, has taken three lives: the woman, her friend and the unborn child.

“Although an extreme crime, the burning alive of three individuals is indicative of the broader culture of violence directed towards women who do not wish to abort their children.

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Brazilian man burns girlfriend alive after she refused to abort child

Ellen Priscila Ferreira, 24, was four months pregnant when she was murdered in Coroados by the child’s father, on 17 October. She and a friend w...

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