Baby boy survived abortion and was left to die for 10 hours

A baby boy from Blackburn, England was left to die for 10 hours after surviving the abortion intended to kill him.

Mum, Loran, was told by medical staff that her baby was unlikely to be born alive after he was diagnosed with Edward’s syndrome.

To carry out the abortion, Loran took abortifacient drugs, which were intended to kill her child. She then returned to the hospital at 18 weeks to be induced and was expected to give birth to her dead baby.

However, Loran was shocked when her baby boy was born alive and breathing.

She described how watching him die was “torture” and that she “had to watch his heartbeat getting slower and watch his life draining out of him.”

Loran named her son Kiyo Bleu Watson. Doctors told Loran that her son’s heart would stop beating within half an hour from birth. Loran kept ringing her hospital bed bell to inform doctors Kiyo was still alive. She asked doctors “Do you just leave him?” and they replied “Yes.”

Kiyo was left to die. He passed away 10 hours after his birth.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This story is heart-wrenching. Little Kiyo deserved care, love and protection. The story about Kiyo shows us how not only how utterly inhumane abortion is. It also shows how utterly inhumane abortion makes the health professionals responsible for carrying it out.”

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Baby boy survived abortion and was left to die for 10 hours

A baby boy from Blackburn, England was left to die for 10 hours after surviving the abortion intended to kill him.

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