Abortion on demand up to 24 weeks legalised in Guernsey

Abortion on demand up to 24 weeks, and in some cases up to birth, in Guernsey has been approved by politicians in the British Crown dependency.

Guernsey politicians have voted to extend the current 12-week abortion limit to 24 weeks, allowing the killing of unborn children for any reason.

The time limit for the abortion of babies deemed to have “significant” abnormalities has also been increased from 24 weeks to the moment of birth.

Last year, the Assembly of the States of Guernsey voted to double the time limit for abortion, as reported by SPUC, but legalisation was delayed as further consultation was sought.

This week, the legislation was approved, by 27 votes to 11, despite pro-life protests outside the Royal Court.

Deputy Sue Aldwell, who has a son with significant learning disabilities, slammed the legislation, stating that there was a clear “disparity and injustice” at work, underwriting “discrimination against unborn children with disabilities, allowing abortions beyond the elective period of 24 weeks purely because of their disability”.

Other changes approved include removing the requirement for two medical practitioners to certify an abortion and allowing early abortions at home without medical supervision.

Medical workers who refuse to take part in abortion are now also required to refer women to a provider. They cannot refuse abortion if the mother’s life or mental health is deemed to be at risk, essentially outlawing the right to conscientious objection.

The approved change in law will now be sent to the Privy Council for Royal Assent.

SPUC comment  

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Abortion at any point in a pregnancy is wrong.

“This disastrous and disgraceful law change will put unborn children and their mothers at increased risk, enable discrimination against the disabled, as well as remove the right to not take part in abortion.

“Guernsey has essentially implemented some of the most extreme and illiberal abortion legislation in Europe.

“The politicians of Guernsey who voted for this are a disgrace.”

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Abortion on demand up to 24 weeks legalised in Guernsey

Abortion on demand up to 24 weeks, and in some cases up to birth, in Guernsey has been approved by politicians in the British Crown dependency.

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