Planned Parenthood to sue UK Government over abortion funding cuts

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is set to sue the UK Government over its decision to cut its foreign aid budget, which includes funding for abortions in the developing world.

MPs voted on 13 July in favour of cutting overseas aid from 0.7 per cent down to 0.5 per cent of national income.

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “Whatever the underlying motivations of the government are, it is to be welcomed that organisations paid to kill unborn babies around the world are receiving less of our hard-earned money. Less funding means fewer deaths.”

The UK Government’s Women’s Integrated Sexual Health programme (WISH), which works with MSI Reproductive Choices and the IPPF to provide abortions internationally, will lose all its funding for the coming year.

It is estimated that these cuts will deprive WISH of approximately £72 million, which will force it to halt operations in Lebanon, Mozambique, Uganda and Nepal.

In November 2020, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that the UK would cut its foreign aid spending due to the economic chaos caused by COVID-19 lockdowns. This announcement follows the government’s reduction of funding sent to the UN Population Fund – another organisation responsible for providing abortions overseas.

IPPF response

Dr. Alvaro Bermejo, Director General of the IPPF, said: “International Planned Parenthood Federation has not taken this decision lightly.”

The IPFF claims that these government cuts are unlawful in the absence of a change to the International Development Act 2015. Unless the Government reinstates their funding, they have threatened a judicial review into the decision.

Coercing the British people into funding abortion abroad

A poll conducted by Savant ComRes revealed that 65 per cent of British people object to the use of public money to fund abortions overseas.

SPUC’s Mr. Robinson said: “International Planned Parenthood Federation’s threat of legal action is an outrageous move.

“The IPPF is the global arm of Planned Parenthood, an abortion giant generating billions of dollars of revenue every year.

“This is not a legal fight to stand up for the rights of women. What we are seeing is a hugely profitable organisation attempting to coerce British people into giving them money to carry out abortions abroad.”



Planned Parenthood to sue UK Government over abortion funding cuts

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is set to sue the UK Government over its decision to cut its foreign aid budget, which includes...

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