“Preborn babies don’t have to prove their worth to us”: NFL Super Bowl winner Benjamin Watson champions the unborn

NFL Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson has defended the dignity and right to life of unborn children, insisting in an article that their “fundamental worthiness to exist doesn’t have to be proven”.

Benjamin Watson is a former American footballer who won the Super Bowl in 2005 with the New England Patriots. A vocal defender of the unborn, he now works for the pro-life organisation Human Coalition.

Watson has condemned society’s dismissal of the worth of the unborn. “The preborn have to prove they won’t inconvenience us. If the preborn are deemed too burdensome, too genetically different, or just too untimely and unwelcome, they can be killed…

“But this approach seriously misunderstands what it means to be a human being. Nobody should have to pass a test to deserve to exist.”

Watson lists the seemingly endless list of demands that society imposes on the unborn, and which informs abortion decisions:

“Does a baby fit your lifestyle? Is the baby the right gender? Is the baby the right race? Does he or she have any medical conditions or disabilities? Does the baby have Down’s syndrome? Do you have just the right amount of money?”

Sportsman Watson concluded by writing that “while stats may matter on the sports field or in your college admissions process, they don’t matter when it comes to human dignity… Human dignity doesn’t have to be earned.”

SPUC Comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “It is always encouraging to see a prominent personality using their celebrity to champion the pro-life cause and raise issues that others shy away from.

“As Benjamin Watson points out, our anti-life culture constantly looks for excuses to snatch away the lives of the unborn, demanding so much yet giving so little, failing to see the bigger picture: the right to life of the unborn child.

“Every child is worthy of life. Rather than asking whether a child should live or die, we should ask ourselves how we can make that child’s life better.”

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“Preborn babies don’t have to prove their worth to us”: NFL Super Bowl winner Benjamin Watson champions the unborn

NFL Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson has defended the dignity and right to life of unborn children, insisting in an article that their “funda...

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