Mother who resisted pressure from doctors to abort her son totally justified as son starts school

A mother who was advised five times by doctors to abort her baby is so happy that she refused. Her son is healthy and about to start his first day at school.

Before Davey Bates, 4, was born, doctors told his parents, Sami and Paul, from West Yorkshire, that he would not survive and advised them to abort him on no less than five occasions.

They refused.

Little Davey was diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia in the womb – a serious condition when a hole in the diaphragm allows the intestines to enter the chest, preventing the lungs from developing.

Despite persistent calls from doctors for Davey to be aborted, his parents were adamant that he should receive surgery and get a fighting chance.

His mother said: “It was appointments and scans every three weeks, almost invariably with doctors advising us to end the pregnancy.

“It just seemed impossible he could survive outside of my womb, but we couldn’t live with ourselves if we didn’t at least give him a chance.”

On 18 July 2017, Davey was born at Leeds General Hospital. After complex post-birth surgery, which was a success, his parents took him home. He has since thrived and is now about to start his first day of school.

His mother said: “I’ll be the proudest mum on earth when I wave him off at the school gates. With everything he had been through, it is a day we thought may never happen. I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold it together.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Davey’s story highlights the immense, unacceptable pressure on parents from medical staff to abort their child when a medical issue arises.

“His parents chose life and cannot now imagine life without him. It is saddening to reflect on the pressure brought upon them during their pregnancy.”

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Mother who resisted pressure from doctors to abort her son totally justified as son starts school

A mother who was advised five times by doctors to abort her baby is so happy that she refused. Her son is healthy and about to start his first day at ...

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