SPUC Youth Conference sees record attendance at “uplifting” pro-life event

A record number of young adults attended the annual SPUC Youth Conference that took place last weekend.

Over 200 delegates travelled to Staffordshire to attend SPUC’s Youth Conference between 25 and 27 February. The weekend was packed with exciting speakers and inspirational workshops, which empowered young pro-lifers to fight against abortion culture, and instead, promote a culture of life.

Keynote speakers address young delegates

Youth Conference delegates were addressed by powerful keynote speakers who explored a range of life issues.

Kevin Duffy, a former employee of abortion giant Marie Stopes International (MSI) Reproductive Choices, fascinated conference attendees with his insights into the murky practices of his former employer.

Mr Duffy explored his journey from working for MSI to eventually turning his back on the anti-life organisation. He reminded delegates that a staggering 1-in-4 unborn children in the UK lose their lives to abortion, which is a leading factor in the ever-decreasing birth rate.

SPUC was also thrilled to welcome two MPs for an exclusive political pro-life panel. MPs Carla Lockhart (DUP) and Dr Lisa Cameron (SNP) spoke passionately on their pro-life convictions, and how they are central to their political careers.

They both concluded with a rallying cry for delegates to get involved in politics and pro-life affairs, in any way they can.

In an online statement, Miss Lockhart said: “Always a pleasure to support the efforts of SPUC as they seek to help restore life-affirming laws and create a society that chooses life.

“Wonderful to speak to so many young people about life issues and to try and inspire them to get involved in politics. We must continue to be a voice for the voiceless.”

Inspiring workshops

Youth Conference delegates were offered a diverse selection of dynamic workshops, “SPUC-inspires”, exploring the themes of overpopulation and how to convey the pro-life message in the public sphere.

SPUC’s own Communication Officer, Catherine Mockler, shared her own moving testimony about the joys and rewards of having a younger brother with Down’s syndrome, pushing back against the false narrative that pervades media and broader society.

A rise in pro-life youth activism

Grace Browne, SPUC Communications Manager, said: “The SPUC Youth Conference is the largest of its kind in the UK. The conference aims to educate, inspire and empower young people and equip them with the tools they need to present and promote the pro-life message.

It was uplifting to see just over 200 young people travel from all corners of the country to attend this wonderful event.

“Young adults in the UK are becoming increasingly motivated to stand up against abortion culture, which has caused untold damage to countless mothers and their children.

“During a time when society has become immersed in deadly abortion culture, it takes great courage and strength for young people to go against the tide and involve themselves in pro-life activism.

“SPUC thanks and applauds these youth for their bravery and commitment to the pro-life cause.”

SPUC CEO John Deighan concluded the weekend by encouraging young adults to re-imagine the future as far as the pro-life battle is concerned.

Ending on a reassuring note, Mr Deighan said: “Though it’s an uphill battle, the culture can be changed, and the young people gathered here this weekend can be the impetus behind that change.”


SPUC Youth Conference sees record attendance at “uplifting” pro-life event

A record number of young adults attended the annual SPUC Youth Conference that took place last weekend.

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