BREAKING: DIY abortion to continue in Scotland

The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) is disappointed to hear that DIY abortion will continue in Scotland. Women's Health Minister Maree Todd announced today that the home abortions scheme would remain in place in Scotland.

Alithea Williams, SPUC’s Public Policy Manager, said: "DIY home abortion is a reckless policy which leaves women to suffer the effects of abortion at home, with no medical supervision or support, and then forces them to dispose of foetal remains on their own. This policy even deprives women of the opportunity to meet with a doctor in person.

"The Scottish Government may think this decision is ‘progressive’, but what is progressive about leaving women to bleed away their baby at home, with no medical care? This is state sponsored backstreet abortion.

"During the two years of the scheme’s operation, an abundance of evidence has come to light showing just how dangerous this policy is for women."

In a recent ComRes poll, an overwhelming majority of the Scottish public have expressed concerns about this abortion policy:

  • 83% of Scottish adults are concerned about women finding it distressing, potentially having to dispose of the terminated pregnancy either into the toilet or sanitary pads.
  • 79% of Scottish adults are concerned about the possibility of abortion drugs being falsely obtained for another person.
  • 84% of Scottish adults say they are concerned about women being at risk of being coerced into an abortion by a partner or family member.

SPUC's Alithea Williams said: "This is a searing indictment of the Scottish Government imposing an unwanted abortion policy on an unwilling nation. The Scottish public clearly shows more concern for the health of women than their elected representatives."

BREAKING: DIY abortion to continue in Scotland

Women's Health Minister Maree Todd announced today that the home abortions scheme would remain in place in Scotland.

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