22x more attacks on pro-lifers than on pro-abortion individuals and groups, crime research group finds

A “sobering” study has found that US pro-lifers have suffered 22x more attacks than pro-abortion individuals and groups following the infamous leak revealing that the US Supreme Court was set to overturn Roe v. Wade, which it did in June this year.

Research by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has found that there were 135 attacks on pro-life individuals and groups compared with just six against pro-abortion advocates between 3 May and 24 September.

John Lott, the founder and president of CPRC, said the findings contradicted “the overwhelming narrative in the media… that claiming that there was disproportionate violence against pro-choice providers.

“Despite so much more violence against pro-life advocates, the Biden administration’s sole focus on the very rare violence against pro-choice providers ignores what appears to be a much more prevalent problem.”

Wave of pro-abortion violence sweeps across US

Since early May, when a leak indicated that the US Supreme Court was to overturn Roe v. Wade, SPUC has reported on numerous incidents of pro-abortion violence and intimidation directed at pro-life groups, pregnancy centres and churches, which continued following the announced repeal of Roe on 24 June.

In late August, SPUC reported that 69 Catholic churches had been attacked in the US by pro-abortion activists in the wake of the Roe v. Wade leak, while a pro-abortion militant was charged with the attempted murder of a reportedly pro-life Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh.

Despite numerous incidents of violence, pro-abortion Democrats in the US House of Representatives refused a resolution condemning violence against pro-life pregnancy centres, churches and organisations.

“Violence must not win”

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “The mainstream media has suppressed news of pro-abortion extremism in the United States because it exposes the fanaticism of abortion ideologues who turn to violence to uphold the even more violent act of killing an unborn child.

“While many abortion apologists do not use violence to defend their wrong cause, the act they seek to uphold is violent, and we should not be surprised, therefore, that pro-abortion violence is becoming increasingly common in the US, especially as pro-lifers gain ground and important victories.

“As this sobering CPRC study shows, extremism and violence define the pro-abortion cause, seeking to intimidate and ultimately ‘cancel’ pro-life free speech. And it is, of course, telling that pro-abortion activists should do this – one pro-abortion group even admitted that they ‘find joy’ in attacking pro-lifers.

“Pro-life values, on the other hand, are founded on love and, by definition, non-violence. The courage, determination and peaceful advocacy that pro-lifers in the US and elsewhere have shown in the face of political violence is a credit to our cause, living pro-life values as well as championing them in the public arena of peaceful discourse.

“We will continue to work towards a world where babies are free from violence. Pro-lifers will not give in to intimidation. Violence must not and will not win.”


22x more attacks on pro-lifers than on pro-abortion individuals and groups, crime research group finds

A “sobering” study has found that US pro-lifers have suffered 22x more attacks than pro-abortion individuals and groups following the infa...

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