Snap General Election called for 4th July

We just wanted to send you a quick message responding to the breaking news that the Prime Minister has just called a snap General Election for 4 July.

Parliament will be prorogued on Friday this week, meaning dozens of Bills will proceed no further. Dissolution will take place on Thursday next week (30 May).

Although bills can be fast tracked through Parliament in the final days before it is dissolved for an election, this only happens when there is agreement. A big, contentious bill like the Criminal Justice Bill is very unlikely to survive such a process. It is even more unlikely that controversial amendments, such as those relating to abortion, will be passed before Parliament dissolves.

We can therefore be almost certain that the extreme abortion proposals championed by Diana Johnson and Stella Creasy will not pass into law this side of an election.

This is great news, and we want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has campaigned so hard against these amendments.

Of course, our campaigning must now switch focus – to keep decriminalisation out of party manifestoes, and to elect pro-life candidates. We will send updates to this affect in the coming days and weeks.

Thank you for everything you do to protect unborn babies and their mothers.

SPUC Web Site

Snap General Election called for 4th July

We just wanted to send you a quick message responding to the breaking news that the Prime Minister has just called a snap General Election for 4 July....

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