SPUC’s key takeaways from Labour Manifesto 2024

Image: UK Parliament, modifications applied

On 13 June, the Labour Party published its Manifesto for the upcoming 2024 General Election, to be held on 4 July.

Below are the key takeaways from the Manifesto in matters relating to pro-life issues:


The Labour Party Manifesto makes no mention of abortion decriminalisation or buffer zones.

However, Labour pledges to “strengthen international development work”, which could include further funding of organisations that support/provide abortions in other countries.

Assisted Suicide

The Manifesto makes no mention of assisted suicide.

Family Support

Labour pledges to “ensure that trusts failing on maternity care are robustly supported into rapid improvement. We will train thousands more midwives as part of the NHS Workforce Plan and set an explicit target to close the Black and Asian maternal mortality gap.”

And Labour says it “will open an additional 3,000 nurseries through upgrading space in primary schools, to deliver the extension of government funded hours families are entitled to”.

SPUC General Election Tool – Value your Vote

SPUC has created an online tool to help supporters and British citizens contact their Parliamentary candidates and ask them how they intend to vote on abortion and assisted suicide. It is vital that pro-life people use their vote to elect pro-life MPs. Every vote matters.

Click here to access the tool.

SPUC’s key takeaways from Labour Manifesto 2024

On 13 June, the Labour Party published its Manifesto for the upcoming 2024 General Election, to be held on 4 July.

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