New assisted suicide bill in House of Lords a “profound threat” to vulnerable people in the UK

An assisted suicide private members’ bill has been announced and is due to have its first reading in the House of Lords later this month. SPUC has called the new bill a “profound threat” to vulnerable people in the UK.

The first reading of the Bill, brought forward by Lord Falconer, is set for Friday 26 July, and a full debate will likely take place in October.

Lord Falconer had previously proposed another assisted suicide bill, in 2014, which failed to progress due to the calling of a General Election.

His new Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill came second in a random House of Lords ballot for private members’ bills in the new session of Parliament, allowing for draft laws to be put forward by the Lords rather than the Government.

Other bills of note in the ballot are Lord Farmer’s Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill, which was drawn in first place in the ballot and will receive a First Reading on Friday 26 July. Lord Moylan’s Complications from Abortions (Annual Report) Bill was drawn at number ten and will receive a First Reading on Tuesday 3 September 2024.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer doubled down on his promise of a free vote on assisted suicide, though he added that this would likely not take place in the first year of his premiership.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This Bill is very dangerous. While bills in the House of Lords don’t tend to go very far unless they get support from the Commons, we know that the Prime Minister has committed to a vote on the issue in the Commons, and he might back Lord Falconer’s Bill. Therefore, we need to mobilise now, and quickly.

“It is more important than ever before that our supporters up and down the country get active and contact their MPs, as well as members of the House of Lords. SPUC will be providing all the resources they need to do this.

“Assisted suicide is a profound threat to vulnerable people, especially the disabled, the elderly, the ill and even those suffering from depression. In Canada, assisted suicide kills 15,000 people a year under the banner of compassion, which is increasingly used as a so-called ‘cure’ for PTSD and even poverty. This isn’t healthcare but the state-sanctioned killing of ‘problem’ people.”

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New assisted suicide bill in House of Lords a “profound threat” to vulnerable people in the UK

An assisted suicide private members’ bill has been announced and is due to have its first reading in the House of Lords later this month. SPUC has cal...

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