Former MP recalls horror of baby “gasping for breath” after late-term abortion

Former MP Nadine Dorries has recalled the horror of an abortion she witnessed when she saw a baby boy “blinking” and “gasping for breath”. 

In an article published by the Mail Online, Ms Dorries recalled her participation as a nurse in the abortion of a baby boy at 27 weeks gestation when the legal limit was 28 weeks.

After the baby boy was “dropped in a bedpan”, Ms Dorries, who was working on the gynaecological ward, was ordered by the ward sister to take him away. When she removed the paper covering from the bedpan, Ms Dorries saw the “tiny baby boy, blinking, covered in mucus, blood and amniotic fluid, gasping for breath, his little arms and legs twitching.

“I was shocked to my core. Weeping, I rocked the bedpan in my arms. I wanted to pick him up but he was so small, I didn’t know how to. After a minute or so, I couldn’t bear it any longer, and I was about to run for help when I heard the ward sister’s unmistakable footsteps approaching.

“As she took the bedpan from me, he stopped breathing. I checked my fob watch: a little boy had been born, lived and died in the space of seven minutes. Mine was the only face he saw, my sobs the only sounds he heard.”

Ms Dorries was only 18 at the time, and she “was almost inconsolable. I had become a nurse to help people – not to facilitate killing babies who might have lived.”

The brutality of abortion exposed

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “The horror of abortion often defies description, though it’s vital that the public see it for what it is, the reality that the abortion lobby knows it must cover up.

“As well as killing an unborn child, the brutality of abortion afflicts participants, many of whom are traumatised by or inured to the violence they witness, such as the ward sister who callously dismissed Nadine’s own response to the horror before her very eyes.”

Former MP recalls horror of baby “gasping for breath” after late-term abortion

Former MP Nadine Dorries has recalled the horror of an abortion she witnessed when she saw a baby boy “blinking” and “gasping for br...

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