Sylvester Stallone says his mother almost aborted him, but “the hanger didn’t work”

Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Sylvester Stallone has revealed that his mother Jackie tried to abort him. “The hanger didn’t work”, she told him. The Rocky star revealed her confession while speaking on a podcast with his daughters.

Sylvester Stallone, 78, known to fans as “Sly”, was born on 6 July 1946. The famous actor has gone on to star in blockbuster films and franchises, including Rocky and Rambo.

But according to his mother, he was almost aborted.

Speaking on a podcast, Stallone said that his mother “was nervous” about the pregnancy. He explained further: “My mother would say, ‘The only reason you’re here is because the hanger didn’t work’ or ‘bouncing down those steps didn’t cause you to get lost.’”

The actor doesn’t bear any ill will towards his mother, who died in 2020. “My mother, she was a troubled person. She was put into an orphanage, you know, and a very cruel orphanage… she was terribly molested…. She literally couldn’t stand to be touched or touch at all. I mean, not even a hug.”

Stallone’s birth was difficult. His face drooped after forceps were used during the delivery. “So I was born with this snarl.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “There’d be no Rocky or Rambo, at least not as we know them, had Sylvester Stallone been aborted, which would have robbed the world of an iconic and much-loved actor – and his five children wouldn’t exist either.

“Millions of lives have their futures stripped from them every year by abortion around the world. These nameless children will never have the chance to enjoy life and be appreciated by others. This is a great loss to humanity, made more tragic because they are not around to be missed.

“It’s important that we do our utmost to alleviate the fears and challenges that many expectant mothers feel, especially in crisis pregnancies. Every life saved from abortion matters, and the more we help mothers and families, the more people we will have around us to enjoy, love and cherish.”

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Sylvester Stallone says his mother almost aborted him, but “the hanger didn’t work”

Sylvester Stallone has revealed that his mother Jackie tried to abort him.

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