“This is our moment”, SPUC delegates hear at empowering London conference

SPUC’s one-day conference in London on Saturday was a resounding success after delegates heard moving testimonies from guest speakers and SPUC staff about abortion’s life-denying ethic. “This is the moral issue of our age”, said SPUC CEO John Deighan.

“Standing on the right side of history” was the theme of SPUC’s one-day conference in central London that informed and empowered delegates.

The event on Saturday, 28 September, was attended by over a hundred men and women of all ages and backgrounds from across the country.

Delegates first heard from SPUC CEO John Deighan about the necessity of standing up to evil, especially in an age that has seen the “death of conscience”.

Mr Deighan recently spoke at the March for Life in Cologne where he was encouraged by the large number of young pro-lifers, a stark contrast to the smaller number of screaming counter-protesters.

SPUC’s CEO also took inspiration from the midwives in the Bible who defied the Pharaoh's orders to kill all male Hebrew babies at birth, as told in Exodus, and he encouraged delegates not to repeat the mistakes of the past when “the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous” – a quote by Winston Churchill.

Do not give doctors the right “to kill you”     

Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, was the first of two guest speakers to address the conference.

Mr Schadenberg spoke about the “crazy” situation in Canada where thousands of people are killed by state-sanctioned assisted suicide every year – over 15,000 Canadians in 2023 alone.

Delegates heard numerous horror stories underscoring the mortal threat that assisted suicide poses to vulnerable people, including veterans suffering from PTSD who were recommended Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada.

Assisted suicide laws give doctors and nurse practitioners the right “to kill YOU”, Mr Schadenberg warned attendees who’d be similarly threatened if euthanasia and assisted suicide are legalised in the UK.

“Do not be discouraged”

Award-winning journalist David Campanale, the second guest speaker, addressed delegates on the theme of “Political Purges: What Role for Conscience?”.

“It’s nice to be among friends”, he told delegates after his deselection as a Lib Dem parliamentary candidate because of pro-life views, it is alleged; he is now suing the party for breaching section 10 of the Equalities Act.

Mr Campanale emphasised the importance of Christian faith and living the pro-life ethic with integrity in “a world gone mad”. “I decided not to hide in the basement”, he said.

The former BBC journalist recalled his involvement in various causes, including the Abortion Amendment Bill in the 1980s, led by David Alton, now Lord Alton of Liverpool, who sought to reduce the abortion limit to 18 weeks.

“Do not be discouraged” by the ascendancy of pro-abortion ideology, said Mr Campanale who cited the fall of the Berlin Wall as an example of how injustice and tyranny were finally defeated – Mr Campanale said he couldn’t think of a better cause to be deselected for than unborn children.

SPUC showcases pro-life initiatives

Tom Rogers, Cultural & Educational Outreach Manager, showcased SPUC’s pro-life messaging in schools and in the arts through various initiatives, including the newly launched Write for Life Academy, dedicated to equipping a community of pro-life creatives who support each other to reach their creative goals and reach the culture.

Tom also spoke about An Irish Angel (2024), a film about teen pregnancy and abortion in Northern Ireland. The production, supported by SPUC, won Best Independent Film at the 2023 Cannes World Film Festival – it can be found on various digital platforms, including Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Youtube.

SPUC’s Advocacy and Development Manager, Josh Coghill, speaking about the organisation at a grassroots level, lauded its supporters who are the “bulwark of the pro-life movement” in the UK.

You are the “primary strength of our Society”, Josh told delegates. He also noted the importance of SPUC’s branches, which increased by six in 2024. “Our branches make a tangible impact”, he said.

SPUC’s branches engage with the community and help deliver the Society’s campaigns via the doorstep and through lobbying politicians, ultimately “winning hearts and minds” and working to “turn back the tide of death”.

Similarly, Alithea Williams, SPUC’s Public Policy Manager, detailed her team's tireless lobbying in Westminster, delivering campaigns and “empowering [SPUC] members to take political action”.

As well as informing delegates on the current political situation, including buffer zones and assisted suicide, Alithea stressed the importance of writing personal letters and emails to MPs – many are new MPs whose views are uncertain.  

A concerted push for a review of the “unregulated and unsafe” pills by post scheme, a “disaster for women and unborn babies”, was also announced on Saturday.

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), gave a keynote speech on the UK’s “demographic winter”.

Michael defended human dignity as a “cornerstone of justice”, now under assault at all levels of society, which is to be judged ultimately on “how we value human life”.

While history might seem to be going in the wrong direction for life, “this is our moment, our chance… to write that history”, said Michael, who urged supporters to “face the truth head-on…  Real change comes from authentic conversations…

“There is always hope...  no matter how dark it might get.”

Finally, SPUC’s Charlie McCluskey concluded the “inspirational conference” by thanking the supporters who make SPUC unique and who work to change the hearts of their fellow citizens.

Men and women of good conscience unite for life

Daniel Frampton, SPUC’s Editorial Officer, said: “Conscience was a major theme at SPUC’s London conference, made even more poignant by David Campanale’s recent deselection, as well as the imposition of buffer zones around the UK.

“A new iron curtain is rising that will inevitably present challenges to pro-life men and women. It’s important, however, that men and women of good conscience stand up to this assault on justice and freedom.

“SPUC and its supporters are on the frontline of this battle, not only fighting for the right to life of unborn children but also for free speech and the right to pray silently outside abortion facilities.

“While institutions seem stacked against the pro-life movement, we have truth on our side, which cannot be suppressed forever.

“Through the testimonies of Alex Schadenberg and David Campanale, who live their principles as much as they express them, justice will finally win out as it did in Eastern Europe in the early 1990s. We thank our speakers for their tireless efforts.

“This conference also showcased the game-changing work of SPUC and its supporters who are working in their own way towards this end: to make abortion unthinkable. The fellowship that these events foster is invaluable, and it was wonderful to meet and be inspired by our supporters, each with their own story to tell.

“We look forward to our next one-day conference in Glasgow, on 5 October, when we will hear again from Alex and David.”

“This is our moment”, SPUC delegates hear at empowering London conference

SPUC’s one-day conference in London on Saturday was a resounding success after delegates heard moving testimonies from guest speakers and SPUC staff a...

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