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Announcing the SPUC International Pro-Life Youth Conference 2014
You are warmly invited, and encouraged, to come to the 7th SPUC International Pro-Life Youth & Student Conference 7th-9th March 2014, Telford Campus, England. We want you to receive the best possible pro-life formation in an enjoyable and stimulating environment. This conference is run over three days, where you can expect the following:
- A line-up of international experts speaking on up to date pro-life topics.
- Opportunities for questions, panel discussions/debates so that you can ask and discuss the most important pro-life issues we face today.
- A top quality range of literature for you to take away.
- The chance to spend three days in the company of other young pro-lifers in the UK and abroad. You’ll make new friends and learn about the pro-life and student experiences of others.
- Each day you’ll be served meals and refreshment. These are great opportunities to talk with the speakers and relax with other young adults.
- We’ll guarantee you entertainment and a reasonably priced bar for drinks. Previous conferences have included films, talent shows, ceilidh bands and dancing.
The SPUC youth blog has a permanent page dedicated to the youth conference: We are now taking bookings. Do not delay. If you’re booking as part of a group it’s best to start organising early. Booking early also means you’ll be able to book your coach or train tickets at a cheaper price, and don’t forget to apply for SPUC Branch sponsored places. Email with your details and we’ll send you the booking form. Also feel free to email us if you have any questions. [SPUC youth blog, 5 November]
Irish referendum on same-sex ‘marriage’ set for 2015
The Irish government has confirmed reports that a referendum on same-sex marriage will be held in 2015. SPUC opposes same-sex marriage because it will undermine true marriage, which provides the best protection for both unborn and born children. Pat Buckley, who represents SPUC in the Republic of Ireland, told "It is absolutely vital that we have organised opposition and this must be arranged quickly as there will be a focused national debate. We need to ensure that everyone who takes part has up to date information and research. In my opinion there is a huge need to educate the public on the facts and it will be necessary to arrange a series of conferences to ensure that available information is being widely distributed." Mr Buckley said that he and others would immediately start "building a coalition of like-minded groups" to address the threat to marriage. [, 5 November]
Courts can’t be "swayed by Christian values" or promote "virtue and morality", says UK judge
Sir James Munby, president of the Family Division of the High Court, has said that only "secular" judges can serve a "multicultural" society, and that judges must not "be swayed by Christian values." Sir James made the comments in a keynote address to The Law Society. Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, told "This is not the first time that Sir James Munby has used his position to give succour to the idea that the move away from Judaeo-Christian morality represents progress. In SPUC's 2002 case against the British government over the morning-after pill, he used his position as judge to recount the history what he referred to as 'the crusade for sexual enlightenment in England', concluding 'We are at last in the modern world'. He referred to pro-abortion witnesses as 'very eminent medical experts', praised the pro-abortion Family Planning Association to the skies and argued passionately that the state had no right to restrict contraception. Far from being an impartial advocate of blind justice, Sir James is a promoter of the ideology of choice." [, 31 October]
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Sexual ethics
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