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The Episcopal Commission on Family and Life of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines have issued a strongly pro-life "Catechism on Family and Life" for this year's elections in the Philippines. The document says that "the Church has the duty to teach Catholics about the importance of taking their Faith with them in all their endeavors, including voting." John Smeaton, SPUC director, commented: "I hope that the bishops of England and Wales will speak out with equal strength and clarity before this year's UK general election." [John Smeaton, 4 January]
Some scientists are calling for dolphins to be given the same respect as humans, on account of their supposedly relatively high intelligence. The scientists claim that dolphins are more intelligent than chimpanzees, based on brain size and behavioural observations. John Smeaton, SPUC director, commented: "It would be a tragic irony if society affords extra dignity to dolphins and apes while continuing to deprive some of its most vulnerable human inhabitants of every possible dignity by killing them in abortion, embryo experimentation and euthanasia." [John Smeaton, 5 January]
Sexual ethics
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