Police have been alerted to remarks by Dr Peter Brand MP, a physician, during the second reading of the Medical Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia) Bill on the 28th of last month. He told of how he had let a two-year-old boy with leukaemia die by removing "all the tubes". The child took 48 hours to die. He said: "I allowed a death to occur, and that removed distress. The purpose of my action was, therefore, to promote death or at least to enable death to occur." He also said: "after a stroke, it is right to provide all the high-tech treatment, set up drips, insert tubes and ascertain how people get on. However, if the patient remains vegetative after a week or more, and further progress will not occur, it is clearly humane to be able to withdraw treatment, even though that withdrawal causes death." Dr Brand's remarks can be found at [The Times, The Herald and the parliamentary website, 10 February, 2000]
The Medical Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia) Bill is now at its committee-stage. The first meeting of the committee yesterday was brief and mainly procedural. Subsequent meetings of the committee will take place on Wednesdays. [eyewitness]
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