Urge MEPs to vote against motion on abortion and HIV/AIDS


25 November 2011

Dear supporter,

On Thursday 1 December, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will vote on a motion "On the EU response to HIV/AIDS in the EU and neighbouring countries" which links abortion, contraception and HIV/AIDS. The motion is riddled with anti-life and anti-family content. Here is one of the worst examples:

"22. [The European Parliament c]alls on the Commission and Council to ensure access to quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, information, and supplies. This should consist of, among others, confidential and voluntary counselling, testing and treatment for HIV and all sexually transmitted infections; prevention of unintended pregnancies; equitable and affordable access to contraceptives, including access to emergency contraception; safe and legal abortion, including post-abortion care; care and treatment to prevent vertical transmission of HIV, including of partners and children".

The motion is yet another attempt by the international pro-abortion lobby to secure recognition of abortion as a universal, fundamental human right, under the guise of "sexual and reproductive health". Linking funding of abortion services with funding for HIV/AIDS programmes means increased funding for both abortion and contraception.

Please contact the MEPs for your region immediately to urge them to vote against the motion, entitled "EU global response to HIV/AIDS" and presented by Françoise Grossetête, a French MEP. Please tell MEPs that:

  • abortion and contraception should not be linked with genuine care (e.g. antiretroviral drugs for HIV)
  • abortion is neither a human right nor healthcare, but the killing of an innocent member of the human family, denied his or her equal right to life under international and European human rights instruments
  • programmes promoting condom use do not in fact lessen the spread of HIV, and programmes promoting contraception do not in fact reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancies or abortions.

Supporters resident in the UK can find the names and contact-details of the MEPs for their region at http://www.europarl.org.uk/view/en/your_MEPs/List-MEPs-by-region.html

Supporters resident outside the UK can find out the names and contact-details of the MEPs for their region at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/public/geoSearch.do?language=EN

Please don't forget to copy any replies you receive from MEPs to SPUC, either by email to political@spuc.org.uk or by post to SPUC HQ.

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Urge MEPs to vote against motion on abortion and HIV/AIDS

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