Aids Care and Education Trust (ACET) is a global network of independent and church-based organisations seeking to encourage effective and compassionate responses to AIDs and related issues.
In an email to SPUC, a representative of the charity outlined the following policies. ACET actively discourages abortion, especially where it is used as a form of contraception. The charity tries to work in a way which protects the unborn child.
However, ACET would not rule out working with organisations which campaign for or carry out abortions with whom they share common ground. They work on a case by case basis and it is unlikely that they would work with an organisation which provides abortions.
The charity also works with young people from around the ages of 11-18 years old. In the children’s earlier years, abstinence would be promoted by ACET but later on, when they are more likely to be sexually active, ACET representatives would demonstrate how to use different forms of contraception, primarily condoms. Abstinence and the wisdom of engaging in pre-marital sex would be spoken on if there was sufficient time to do so.
With regard to euthanasia, ACET promotes the idea that no one should die "before God’s appointed hour".
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