Major conference this Saturday on government euthanasia plans Westminster, --A major conference will be held in central London this Saturday warning of government plans to introduce legislation permitting euthanasia by neglect. Leading ethicists, doctors and lawyers will explain "The dangers of the government's Mental Incapacity Bill" between 11am and 4pm at Regent Hall (Salvation Army), 275 Oxford Street, London. The draft Mental Incapacity Bill, currently being scrutinised by a parliamentary joint committee, has generated considerable controversy and concern across the spectrum of protagonists on euthanasia. If passed, the bill will be the first comprehensive law in the world allowing euthanasia by neglect and may become a model for all common-law countries. Speakers at this vital conference will include: * Dr Jacqueline Laing D.Phil (Oxon.), senior lecturer in law at London Metropolitan University. Dr Laing supplies comment on developments in law and ethics for UK newspapers and for such broadcast discussions as Radio 4's Today, Newsnight, the BBC World Service, Radio 3, BBC Knowledge series and the Channel 4 News. * Dr. Philip Howard MD FRCP, senior lecturer in medicine at St George's Hospital Medical School, London and consultant physician. * Mr. James Bogle TD BA Dip Law ACIArb, barrister of the Middle Temple, practitioner in medical negligence law and medico-legal expert.