Legal papers have been formally lodged in Belfast by SPUC which is taking legal action against Westminster’s move to impose abortion on Northern Ireland. Liam Gibson, SPUC’s Northern Ireland Political Officer said: “By supporting our legal action people will be giving a voice to the thousands of innocent children whose lives will be lost if this power grab is allowed to succeed.”
Papers marking the start of the £100,000-plus case, which is being funded by SPUC, were lodged at the High Court on Friday 21st May 2021.
SPUC has accused Westminster of a “devolution power grab”, in a challenge to the Abortion (Northern Ireland) regulations 2021 which empower NI Secretary Brandon Lewis to direct Stormont ministers to implement a “fully-funded abortion service” over the heads of Stormont MLAs.
SPUC is challenging this move and has applied for a Judicial Review through an Order 53 statement which has now been delivered.
The document says the organisation challenges both the “validity and lawfulness” of the Westminster proposals.
SPUC is being represented in court by former Northern Ireland Attorney General John Larkin, QC, considered the leading authority on the legal and constitutional issues relating to the devolution settlement.
“A disgraceful power grab”
SPUC’s Liam Gibson said: ““These Regulations give unprecedented power to a politician who is not answerable to the people of Northern Ireland. It is a basic principle of democracy that politicians are accountable to the electorate. In 2019, seventy-nine per cent of submissions to the public consultation on abortion rejected the government’s proposals but London has shown nothing but disdain for their views and contempt for the lives of our unborn children.
“By seizing power over our abortion laws, London is stripping locally elected Ministers of power and have denied the people an accountable government with a democratic mandate.
“This is a disgraceful power grab by the Westminster Government. If allowed to stand it will not only condemn to death an untold number of unborn babies but fatally undermine the devolution settlement as well.
“We are calling for all pro-life voices to unite in backing this case. The politicians making the decisions about our abortion laws must be accountable to the people of Northern Ireland. This is essential if full legal protection for unborn children is ever to be restored.”
Help the legal fighting fund
John Deighan, SPUC’s Deputy CEO said: “These are the most challenging times the pro-life movement has ever faced in Northern Ireland.
“We also need the prayers of pro-life supporters and their financial assistance too as we seek to raise the funds required to finance the court case.”
The legal case is expected to be heard later in the year.
To make a donation to the legal fighting fund go to the website: