Professor sues college for job loss because she was a mother

A female professor has launched a lawsuit against a college in New Jersey in the United States, alleging that the university discriminated against her because she was a mother.

She was ultimately denied employment.

The university academic, referred to as “Jane Doe” by media sources, has accused a U.S. college of denying her employment after she became pregnant with a fourth and fifth child.

Jane Doe alleges that her bosses at the college asked her if she was “done having more children”.

Having received positive feedback previously, regarding her work, reviews then became negative.

Doe was slowly pushed out of the college. The professor was forced to teach lower-level classes; then her contract of employment was not renewed.  

Doe has also attributed the miscarriage of her fifth child to the “emotional trauma” she suffered as a result of the sexist treatment she received from the college.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Far from empowering women, our culture tells mothers that there is no place for them in the workplace.

“If Jane Doe’s troubling allegations are true, this case is yet another example of the anti-child, anti-mother bias that can blight the career of a woman.

“Recently, SPUC reported on Joss Whedon, the noted Hollywood writer and producer, who was accused of pressuring the actress Charisma Carpenter to abort her child. The implication was that she would lose her job if she kept her child.

“Such discrimination goes hand in hand with abortion, which many desperate women are coerced into by employers or abusive partners. 

“While the abortion industry underwrites this deeply sexist work ethic, other industries are just as guilty.

“Such an atmosphere of coercion inevitably leads to women like Michelle Williams, who last year implied in an acceptance speech at the Golden Globes that she couldn’t have won her award if she didn’t abort her baby years previous.

“Is this empowerment?”

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Professor sues college for job loss because she was a mother

A female professor has launched a lawsuit against a college in New Jersey in the United States, alleging that the university discriminated against her...

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