Fears for the vulnerable as Scottish Parliament considers legalising assisted suicide

The Scottish Parliament is to consider a bill that, if passed, would legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “This is devastating news for Scotland, not least for the sick, disabled and elderly. There is never an appropriate time to introduce a law that devalues human life, but the timing of this bill is highly inappropriate and insensitive to those who have suffered greatly during the pandemic.”

The bill is being presented in Holyrood today by Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur.

This is now the third attempt to embed assisted suicide into Scottish law. If successful, the suicide bill will allow Scottish adults to take lethal drugs to end their life.

Vulnerable, elderly and disabled under pressure to end their lives

Gordon Macdonald, Chief Executive of the Care Not Killing Alliance, said: “It was only a few years ago that the Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly rejected the last bill because MSPs realised that it is just not safe to legalise assisted suicide or euthanasia.

“In every place where state assisted dying has been legalised we see those who are vulnerable, elderly or the disabled being put under pressure to end their lives or at risk of abuse...

“I do think we need to invest in palliative care rather than going down the road of changing the law to allow people to end their lives, because the danger is that it then becomes an incentive.”

Pro-suicide MSPs who are backing the law change have also been accused of undermining Scotland’s recent efforts to protect vulnerable lives during the Coronavirus pandemic.

SPUC’s Michael Robinson said: “Every day, we as a nation have rightfully mourned another precious life lost to COVID and experienced stringent laws that alter our very way of life to protect the most vulnerable. Now politicians are considering a law that undermines and devalues the very lives we have strived for the last 18 months to protect.”

The consultation

Holyrood is expected to hold a consultation on assisted suicide this autumn.

SPUC will be providing a briefing for supporters in Scotland that will provide information on how to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation and defend the vulnerable.

Mr Robinson added: “For the sake of the most vulnerable in society, MSPs must reject assisted suicide.”


Fears for the vulnerable as Scottish Parliament considers legalising assisted suicide

The Scottish Parliament is to consider a bill that, if passed, would legalise assisted suicide in Scotland

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