“Beyond belief”: Nurse who opened a Belfast abortion clinic receives Nurse of the Year award

Nicola Bailey, a sexual health nurse, has received a Royal College of Nursing (RCN) award for opening an abortion centre in Belfast.

At an online nursing awards ceremony, Nurse Bailey was honoured as RCN Nurse of the Year for her role in “revolutionising” women’s healthcare by launching the “Rose Clinic” in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Thrilled to have won, Nurse Bailey, accepting the award, said: “This is amazing for me, but also amazing for women’s sexual and reproductive healthcare in Northern Ireland.”

Joanne Bosanquet, who chaired the RCN judging panel, commented: “Ms Bailey’s passion for the women she cares for, her determination to protect and promote their human rights and her commitment to developing the role of the registered nurse in all aspects of sexual and reproductive healthcare in her trust and throughout Northern Ireland really stood out.”

Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and CEO, added: “You advocate for those who cannot find their voice, for whatever reason. You build a protective barrier around those often at their most vulnerable.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The sickening irony here is that abortion, contrary to the dishonest claims of the RCN, implicitly denies unborn babies a voice – also denying a voice to the many women who seek abortion because of some form of coercion.

“The RCN’s unbridled and wholly contradictory support for abortion is distressing and almost beyond belief. Abortion has nothing to do with health, nor does it serve women.

“It is clear where the RCN’s priorities lie, that is now beyond doubt.”

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“Beyond belief”: Nurse who opened a Belfast abortion clinic receives Nurse of the Year award

Nicola Bailey, a sexual health nurse, has received a Royal College of Nursing (RCN) award for opening an abortion centre in Belfast.

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