Baby Lorenzo given life by mother after she refused abortion

A brave Italian mother who became pregnant at the age of 23 has recalled how she chose life for her child, ignoring the demands of her mother to have an abortion.

Giulia received a positive pregnancy test when she was at university. At the time, she was studying to become an architect. The father was her boyfriend, Alberto, 27, a graduate with a temporary job.

On hearing the news, her mother was convinced that the baby would mark the end of her prospects in life.

As Giulia remembered: “My mum has invested so many expectations in me – those that she was unable to obtain for herself. We continue to argue; she insists that I will not have a future and that my boyfriend will not take care of me and our baby.”

But Alberto, Giulia’s boyfriend, was excited to become a father, even if it was unplanned, and told Giulia that he would like them to move forward as a family.

“I chose to keep the baby. Thinking about my future, about our future…”, said Giulia, “I’m sure I’ll be able to graduate and find a job, now that I’m even more motivated!

“Alberto is very happy, and I almost forgot… In the company where he was working, when they found out he was going to become a father, they transformed his contract into a permanent one.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The pressure to abort that many mothers experience should not be underestimated. Coercion in all forms, from partners, employers, friends, family, and even societal pressure, exists and must be taken seriously.

“Thankfully, Giulia made the best decision for herself and her child, as well as for Alberto.

“We must eradicate abortion and offer women the support and advice that they need.”

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Baby Lorenzo given life by mother after she refused abortion

A brave Italian mother who became pregnant at the age of 23 has recalled how she chose life for her child, ignoring the demands of her mother to have ...

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