Girlfriend “down and distant” after boyfriend made her abort baby

A man has written to The Sun’s “Dear Deidre” agony aunt column after he made his girlfriend have an abortion. The aftermath of the abortion has been devastating.

In a letter submitted to Dear Deidre, a boyfriend has described the traumatic aftermath of an abortion. “The trust has gone from our relationship.”

Last year, the unnamed man made his girlfriend, 32, pregnant. “Though it wasn’t planned, she wanted to keep the baby.” But the boyfriend, 35, told her he “wasn’t ready for a family. I felt bad but we both knew the timing wasn’t right.”

“But ever since the abortion she’s been down and distant with me… She’s started messaging a guy she met at work. That’s not a secret. He’s married and she says he’s just a mate…

“They often go out for drinks. She seems really happy around him – more so than with me. I don’t think she is cheating but I feel uncomfortable about their friendship.”

Two years ago, another man wrote to Dear Deidre expressing his regret that he had pressured his girlfriend into an abortion that she didn’t want, as reported by SPUC. He now “hates himself”.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Abortion trauma is very real and can be devastating, both individually and collectively – as well as having destroyed an unborn baby.

“An empire of lies has been built up around abortion culture that seeks to normalise a catastrophic act that has dreadful consequences for everyone involved.

“But there is nothing normal about abortion. Mothers, as well as fathers, are victims, including men whose children were aborted against their will.

“In this instance, it seems that abortion has also killed trust. It is a terribly sad situation.

“But we all need love, inside and outside the womb. SPUC hopes that both these persons find that love and its true meaning. One of the greatest aids we have against abortion is compassion.”

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