“Anti-child, anti-family” Amazon to pay staff expenses for abortion

Amazon will pay staff travel expenses for abortion as part of a new benefits package in the United States. It comes after several US states passed pro-life laws restricting abortion, saving thousands of unborn lives.

Amazon has told its US staff that it will pay travel expenses up to $4,000, including for abortions that are not locally available. This decision was made in the wake of new pro-life laws such as the Texas “Heartbeat” Act, passed last year, which has already saved at least 11,000 unborn lives, as reported by SPUC.

Amazon employs 1.1 million staff in the US, making the company one of the largest employers in the nation.

Several other companies and organisations have already underwritten funds for staff to pay for abortions, including Avow Texas, a pro-abortion non-profit organisation that recently granted employees an annual stipend of $3,000 to pay for abortions.

As the US Supreme Court considers whether to repeal Roe vs. Wade, which effectively legalised abortion throughout the country in 1973, the prospect of several pro-life US states banning abortion seems likely as they would be allowed to decide legislation themselves.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Amazon’s anti-child, anti-family decision to pay staff to travel further afield for abortion anticipates the repeal of Roe vs Wade, which has so far killed over 60 million unborn babies in the US.

“Clearly, Amazon has bought into abortion ideology and sees no problem in the killing of unborn babies and the harming of vulnerable mothers and fathers.

“This profoundly harmful decision by Amazon will ultimately deliver countless more women and their babies into the profit-hungry clutches of the abortion industry. Far from protecting the vulnerable, Amazon appears determined to prolong the harm that is done to them by abortion.

“Amazon, we can see, is no friend to children, women and families.”

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“Anti-child, anti-family” Amazon to pay staff expenses for abortion

Amazon will pay staff travel expenses for abortion as part of a new benefits package in the United States.

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