Pro-life HQ firebombed in United States as pro-abortion violence continues

Another pro-life office has been attacked in the United States in yet another example of pro-abortion violence following the prospect of the repeal of Roe vs Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalised abortion in the US.

The office of a pro-life organisation, CompassCare, was firebombed early on Tuesday morning in Buffalo, New York. The anti-abortion group describes itself as “a Christ-centered organization dedicated to erasing the need for abortion by transforming women’s fear into confidence”.

On 7 June, CompassCare’s offices were set on fire and daubed with “Jane Was Here”, a phrase referencing the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling Roe vs Wade, which might now be repealed according to an initial draft majority opinion leaked earlier this year, as reported by SPUC.

Following this leak, pro-abortion activists have waged a campaign of violence against pro-life organisations, in what the CEO of CompassCare, Jim Harden, has likened to a “pro-abortion Kristallnacht”.

Kristallnacht was a night of violence directed against Jews by the Nazis in 1938.

Harden added: “Because of this act of violence, the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancy will go unmet and babies will die.”

On 3 June, pro-abortion activists also attacked The Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington, D.C. with red paint, eggs and graffiti.

Last month, the office of another pro-life organisation, Wisconsin Family Action, was subjected to an arson attack. The pro-abortion attacker left graffiti on a wall. It read: “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The pro-abortion lobby is increasingly turning to violence to uphold its similarly vicious ideology that has resulted in the deaths of millions of babies in the United States and around the world.

“Abortion is violence, violence against unborn babies and their mothers. We should not be surprised when abortion apologists turn to violence and vandalism to intimidate pro-lifers.

“But such violence against pro-lifers and unborn babies is unacceptable and must be stopped.”

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Pro-life HQ firebombed in United States as pro-abortion violence continues

Another pro-life office has been attacked in the United States in yet another example of pro-abortion violence following the prospect of the repeal of...

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