One Tree Hill actress happy her husband and his ex aborted baby as it made their own marriage possible

American actress Sophia Bush, best known for starring in One Tree Hill, the US TV series, has attempted to justify abortion because it allowed for her current marriage.

“Grant”, Bush’s husband, “is my person. My best friend. A true partner”, Bush said. “I could have missed him, if it were not for the abortion he and a former partner had. Because the love of my life and a former partner of his had access to an abortion in his past, he and I have a future.

“Because a young couple in their 20s had access to reproductive care, the two of us are now actively planning a family.”

Bush continued: “Would his life change forever simply because he had explored the world of dating? Were they both to be punished?”

In 2020, actress Michelle Williams, accepting an award at the Golden Globes, implied that she owed her success and her award to an abortion she procured years earlier.

Similarly, Joan Collins, best known for appearing in the 1980s US soap Dynasty, claimed in 2021 that having an abortion at the age of 26 suited her career, as reported by SPUC. “It [the unborn child] would have ruined my life”, said Collins.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The selfishness inherent in Sophia Bush’s comments about how she personally benefited from another woman’s abortion is lamentable and devoid of any compassion for either the child involved or its mother.

“Perhaps Bush should ponder whether the child deserved the punishment of death for her husband’s exploration of the ‘world of dating’.

“As we can see, abortion is increasingly being used to underwrite a toxic culture of ‘dating’, which, as Pope Francis says, is part of a broader ‘throwaway culture’ that has led to the deaths of millions of unborn babies – according to Bush, for the sake of ‘love’ and her chance to get her man.”

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One Tree Hill actress happy her husband and his ex aborted baby as it made their own marriage possible

American actress Sophia Bush, best known for starring in One Tree Hill, the US TV series, has attempted to justify abortion because it allowed for her...

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