Belgium violated human rights in “disturbing” euthanasia case, top European Court rules

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Belgium violated the right to life of a woman euthanised due to depression.

Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights upholds the right to life, which it states must be protected by law. This week, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Belgium violated that right.

Godelieva de Troyer, 64, was euthanised in Belgium in 2012 due to, it was said, “incurable depression”. But the European Court has concluded that her case was not sufficiently examined by Belgium’s Federal Commission for the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia, nor was there a speedy criminal investigation into the case.

De Troyer was euthanised by an oncologist to whose organisation she had donated to – the same doctor was the co-chair of the commission tasked with approving individual euthanasia cases, a clear conflicting interest.

None of de Troyer’s family were consulted before her death by lethal injection.

“Nothing can alleviate the pain of losing my mother”

Belgium legalised euthanasia in 2002 for persons in a “medically futile condition of constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated, resulting from a serious and incurable disorder caused by illness or accident”.

De Troyer’s son, Mortier, said: “My mother suffered from severe mental difficulties and coped with depression throughout her life… She was treated for years by psychiatrists, and sadly, she and I lost contact for some time. It was during this time that she died.”

Mortier only found out about his mother’s death the day after she had been euthanised.

Commenting after the Court ruling, Mortier said: “While nothing can alleviate the pain of losing my mother, my hope is that the ruling from the court that there was indeed a violation of the right to life will put the world on notice as to the immense harm euthanasia inflicts not just on people in vulnerable situations contemplating ending their lives but also their families and ultimately society…

“The big problem in our society is that, apparently, we have lost the meaning of taking care of each other.”

Ushering the vulnerable into early graves

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “This shocking case shows just how slack and compromised the system of euthanasia, as well as assisted suicide, is. No so-called ‘safeguard’ is enough to protect vulnerable persons in a moment of crisis from the clutches of a life-denying ideology.

“Godelieva de Troyer is profoundly missed by her family, who were denied any opportunity to say goodbye – but what is more, the chance to help her – and her son and other family members have been robbed of a precious life.

“Nations like Belgium are giving up on vulnerable persons and ushering them to early graves in increasing numbers. Nothing is caring or compassionate about this disturbing discarding of human beings. Wherever euthanasia and assisted suicide are legalised, this trend is clear and inevitable – as we have also seen in Canada, where there were 10,064 assisted deaths in 2021 alone.

“As SPUC reported earlier this week, a Canadian quadriplegic applied for assisted suicide due to inadequate home care and being ignored by health services. Is this the type of society we want in the UK?

“No, it is not, and SPUC will continue to fight for vulnerable persons in the UK.”

To read about SPUC’s ongoing campaign against assisted suicide in the UK, please visit our Lives Worth Living webpage.

Belgium violated human rights in “disturbing” euthanasia case, top European Court rules

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Belgium violated the right to life of a woman euthanised due to depression.

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