Will someone please think of the unborn chicks!

The double standards of pro-abortion mainstream media become clearer every day, as one Vox article, “Save the male chicks”, recently revealed.

Pro-abortion Vox, an American media company, has for once spoken out against abortion – the abortion of unborn chickens. Despite releasing regular pro-abortion content, Vox cited studies pointing out how unborn chickens may suffer fetal pain.

6.5 billion male chicks are hatched every year, only to be killed because they are not economically viable. But male chick culling still costs the industry $500 million a year.

But now, technology can identify male chick embryos and abort them before they are born as early as day nine of incubation. The only problem, the Vox article reports, is that “scientists believe that chick embryos could potentially feel pain as early as day seven of their 21-day incubation period…

“Male chick embryos could still be experiencing suffering.” Meanwhile, Vox has said nothing about the suffering of unborn babies aborted in the womb.

“Reconsidering Foetal Pain”, a paper published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in 2020, recently stated that unborn children may be able to feel pain as early as 13 weeks.

The District of Columbia, where Vox Media is headquartered, has no limit on abortion at any stage of gestation.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Vox cares so much about the welfare of unborn chickens while ignoring the mounting evidence that unborn babies feel pain before 22 weeks, and even as early as 13 weeks.

“This is the mad world we currently live in, where hippos and even rivers have more rights than unborn babies.

“Vox is a clear example of the wilful blindness of abortion ideology, which in turn leads to such absurd double standards as we see in its article. When it comes to welfare and rights, outlets like Vox simply cannot be taken seriously when they deny unborn babies that same care and consideration.

“This is one of the reasons why SPUC exists, to advocate for unborn babies and point out the moral inconsistencies of the fraudulent mainstream media.”

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Will someone please think of the unborn chicks!

The double standards of pro-abortion mainstream media become clearer every day, as one Vox article, “Save the male chicks”, recently revea...

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