Man offers to pay for ex-girlfriend’s abortion because kids are “annoying”, and he doesn’t want to be a father

A 25-year-old man from the United States has offered to pay for the abortion of his unborn baby girl. “I have no intention of being a father”, he posted anonymously online. “Beyond just my dislike of children, I’m not ready for that. But she kept insisting that I’d have a change of heart once it’s born and to just try it out.”

The man, who posted his story online on Reddit, says he has “no intentions” of being a father after finding out that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant with his child, and he’d rather have the baby aborted or adopted than pay child support for 18 years.

They had only dated for a few months when he made his girlfriend pregnant, despite, he says, using contraception.

“I wanted to avoid a child”, the man explained. “I have known for a long time that I do not want children. I find them annoying, and they would severely limit my ability to do the things I enjoy (traveling, outdoors stuff, etc.).

“The first thing I did was suggest an abortion. We don’t live in a state where it’s legal so I offered to pay for her flight and hotel and told her I’d be happy to come with her to get it done.”

However, his ex-girlfriend didn’t want to abort their child. She also wanted his help to raise the baby, and she insisted that he’d change his mind once his daughter was born. “She’s sent me voicemails crying, it does hurt to see, but I haven’t responded.”

The man attempted to justify his decision by suggesting online that “it isn’t right for a parent who doesn’t want their child to be involved. I’d just end up taking that pent up anger and bitterness out on the child who is ultimately innocent, which I feel isn’t right.”

The mother also sent him a text accusing him of forcing her to have an abortion.

The man’s story garnered mixed reactions from Reddit users. One user told him he was “doing the right thing”, and another said he shouldn’t be forced to be a parent. But other people disagreed. One person said: “[The] only thing he can do is behave like a responsible adult male. Which he is not.”

Unborn children and their mothers aren’t disposable objects

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “Abortion facilitates an ugly culture that treats human beings, especially unborn children, as objects to be disposed of at will. This dismissive ethic also affects women, many of whom are discarded by selfish men.  

“In the end, it’s the unborn child, blameless and innocent, who has the most to lose – their life. While the father in question claims he wants to do the right thing and protect the innocent, he still prefers to see his daughter aborted, which is the exact opposite of preserving innocence, including his own.

“Forced abortion takes many forms and is all too common. A 2022 poll of 1,060 British adult women found that 15% of respondents were pressured into abortions. Mothers feel pressure from partners, family, friends and economic circumstances to abort children. Far from being about choice, abortion often involves a vulnerable woman feeling pressured to have an abortion she doesn’t want.”


Man offers to pay for ex-girlfriend’s abortion because kids are “annoying”, and he doesn’t want to be a father

A 25-year-old man from the United States has offered to pay for the abortion of his unborn baby girl. “I have no intention of being a father”, he post...

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