EU to consider enshrining right to abortion in Charter of Fundamental Rights

MEPs are set to debate adding abortion to its Charter of Fundamental Rights following a proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron.

After France made abortion a constitutional right last month, President Macron proposed again that the EU should do the same. Members of the European Parliament will now debate the issue in April.

Macron and EU politicians have previously called for abortion to be enshrined as a right, especially in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. In July 2022, a majority of MEPs declared that abortion should be added to the Charter, as reported by SPUC.

However, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) has warned MEPs that the Charter cannot be amended to make abortion a right since matters of health are supposed to be left to nations to decide.

The ECLJ added that “no European or international human rights treaty or system establishes abortion as a right”, while “the right to life is protected in various treaties, and there is even international protection for children before birth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child”.

Considerable European pressure has been placed on pro-life nations like Malta and Poland in recent years to introduce pro-abortion laws, including a Council of Europe diktat demanding that Malta legalise abortion and outlaw conscientious objection.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “A pro-abortion, undemocratic wave is sweeping across Europe right now as European elites once again threaten the fundamental right to life of unborn children.

“The way this is taking place, cancelling the human rights of the most vulnerable group in society, the unborn, in the name of ‘rights’ is a gross and shameless perversion of truth and justice, and it shows just how far pro-abortion ideologues will go to impose their will on the European population.

“But as the EU charter states, Everyone has the right to life… MEPs have a duty to uphold that right without exception.”

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EU to consider enshrining right to abortion in Charter of Fundamental Rights

MEPs are set to debate adding abortion to its Charter of Fundamental Rights following a proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron.

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