Potential presidential nominee Kamala Harris doubles down on pro-abortion views

It looks increasingly likely that pro-abortion Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party presidential nominee after the announcement that U.S. President Joe Biden will not seek re-election in November.

Endorsed by President Biden and other senior Democrats, VP Harris is now seen as a likely candidate to run against former president Donald Trump in the 2024 U.S. Election, set to take place on 5 November.

Trump, the Republican Party nominee, is generally seen as pro-life, as well as his VP pick, J.D. Vance who says he “wants to save as many babies as possible”.

Harris, on the other hand, is avowedly pro-abortion and has used her position as Biden’s VP to campaign on the issue, especially after the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

When she was Attorney General of California, between 2011 and 2017, Harris was accused of persecuting pro-life journalist David Daleiden who exposed Planned Parenthood staff after they discussed selling organs harvested from aborted babies.

Harris ordered a raid on Daleiden’s home, and his video equipment was seized. Daleiden was the first journalist to be prosecuted under California’s recording law, which he said was used by Harris “as a political weapon to silence disfavored speech”.

Harris also has sought to deny judicial appointments to pro-life Catholics. In 2018, when evaluating the nomination of Brian Buescher to serve as a district judge in Nebraska, Harris suggested that his pro-life views ought to disqualify him.

Yesterday, at a rally, Harris doubled down on her pro-abortion stance, stating: “We will stop Donald Trump's extreme abortion ban… When Congress passes the law to restore reproductive freedoms, as President of the United States, I will sign it.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Kamala Harris, already part of the most pro-abortion administration in US history, looks set to make abortion a key campaigning issue in this year’s presidential election.

“Americans have a stark choice, between Harris, who has aggressively pursued individuals for the ‘crime’ of being pro-life, and Trump, whose Supreme Court nominations ultimately secured the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

“While the 2024 U.S. Election might be decided on other issues, there is no doubt that the result will have consequences for America’s unborn whose fate still hangs in the balance.”

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Potential presidential nominee Kamala Harris doubles down on pro-abortion views

It looks increasingly likely that pro-abortion Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party presidential nominee after the announcement that U.S. Presid...

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