“Do not give doctors the right to kill you”: Harrowing warning issued on assisted suicide

Do not give doctors the right “to kill you”, Alex Schadenberg warned delegates at SPUC’s one-day conference in London, where he shared numerous horror stories about assisted suicide in Canada.

Alex Schadenberg is Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, headquartered in Ontario, Canada. His organisation exposes the horrors of euthanasia and assisted suicide around the world.

Conference delegates in London heard from Mr Schadenberg about vulnerable Canadians lost to state-sanctioned assisted suicide, which killed over 15,000 people in Canada alone in 2023.

Many Canadians have been offered Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), including veterans suffering from PTSD. Mr Schadenberg cited the example of Christine Gauthier, a retired soldier and Paralympic athlete, who was offered assisted suicide by Veterans Affairs.  

He stressed further that, because of Britain’s recent involvement in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the UK’s high proportion of veterans made the need to oppose assisted suicide even more urgent.

Another Canadian, Amir Farsoud, was approved for MAiD because he feared homelessness –the waiting time for social housing being years – though he was ultimately saved by a GoFundMe campaign.

Mr Schadenberg added that MAiD should be called out for what it is: killing. He warned delegates that any such assisted suicide law in the UK would give doctors and nurse practitioners the right “to kill YOU”.

He also pointed out that mainstream media coverage distorts the real reasons why people choose assisted suicide. Far from being about irredeemable pain, many candidates fear being a burden or being unable to receive timely treatment.

“Exposing the horrifying reality of assisted suicide”

Daniel Frampton, SPUC’s Editorial Officer, said: “Alex’s chilling speech issued a timely warning about the mortal threat posed by euthanasia and assisted suicide. Not only do such laws end lives prematurely, but they also undermine the very principle of medicine: to treat patients, not kill them.

“Politicians should listen to experts like Alex who have dedicated themselves to exposing the horrifying reality of assisted suicide, which, if legalised in the UK, will sign the death warrants of countless vulnerable people who deserve life.

“We can already see how some people are finally taking notice, including the Health Secretary who recently warned that such a law could lead to coercion to choose death, which is no choice at all.”

A timely warning to the United Kingdom

MPs will vote on an assisted suicide bill for England and Wales on 29 November.  SPUC has called on Parliament to reject the proposed law, which “poses an unacceptable mortal threat to vulnerable citizens.

Currently, the details of the bill are uncertain, but it would likely grant terminally ill people in England and Wales a “right” to state-sanctioned euthanasia and/or assisted suicide – the definition of “terminal” illness is unclear.


SPUC urges supporters and all people opposed to assisted suicide to lobby their MP now, asking them to oppose Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide bill.

Over half of MPs are new to Parliament and have not voted on this issue before. They will be getting barrages of messages from pro-suicide campaigners - we must make sure our voice is heard.

tool is available on SPUC's website to help you do this. Enter your postcode to find out who your MP is, write your message, and press send.

“Do not give doctors the right to kill you”: Harrowing warning issued on assisted suicide

Do not give doctors the right “to kill you”, Alex Schadenberg warned delegates at SPUC’s one-day conference in London, where he shar...

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