.scot { color: #011afd; } h4 { color: #011afd; }?Back to the SPUC Scotland pageProject Truth is an award winning youth outreach imitative run by SPUC Scotland. Every summer, we travel around the towns and cities of Scotland, bringing the pro-life message to the streets. We also run engaging monthly ...

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Scottish legal challenge to protect women from trauma of home abortions .scot { color: #011afd; } h4 { color: #011afd; }?Back to the SPUC Scotland pageSPUC Scotland is pursuing a judicial review against the Scottish Government: Home abortions put women at risk and are unlawful.27 April 2018 marked ...

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SPUC has launched a petition calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to condemn the demonisation of Northern Ireland MPs who oppose abortion and same sex marriage.The petition is in light of the criticism of the proposed deal with the socially conservative Democratic Unionist Party to keep the minorit...

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On Friday we received one of the most moving letters we have ever received. It was addressed variously to those Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly (MLAs) at Stormont who have tabled amendments, due to be debated tomorrow (9 Feb) and/or Wednesday (10 Feb), to allow abortion in the cases of disa...

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SPUC's central concern has always been the protection of babies from abortion. We are presently calling on MPs to challenge the way in which the law is being abused, in the light of recent medical evidence. The Abortion Act 1967 is a bad law made worse by a failure to enforce it. And by failing to e...

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Members also speak at public meetings in many venues around the country and take part in radio and TV programmes. In all these places aims to promote greater understanding of the needs of disabled people and to educate people about the threats to disabled lives. It is often the attitudes of others, rather than the disabling conditions themselves, which cause problems for disabled people.

Alison's story

Alison Davis was national co-ordinator of No Less Human from 1982 until her death on 3 December 2013. Speaking in 2009, she said:

"The most compelling argument I can present is my own experience. I have suffered a lot of pain throughout my life, and now need increasing doses of morphine, but even that doesn't always alleviate the pain. In addition to spina bifida and hydrocephalus, and using a wheelchair full time, I also have emphysema, a breathing problem that makes me susceptible to chest infections, arthritis, lordosis and kyphoscoliosis - causing my spine to twist out of shape in every possible direction, and osteoporosis - brittle bones, which has caused my spine to collapse and trap nerves. When the pain is at its worst I can't move or think or speak.

"About 20 years ago pain of various sorts compounded to made me feel I wanted to die. At that time, doctors believed that I did not have much longer to live. Over time, my desire to die became a settled wish and it lasted about ten years. During the first five of those years I attempted suicide several times.

Suicide attempts

"A few of the times were really "cries for help." I became ingenious at finding ways of hurting myself to add to my already severe spinal pain. My friends went through the house removing sharp objects (I can clearly remember through the mental haze eating scant meals with a spoon because all the knives had been moved), but then I would use pins, needles, even paper clips and sharpened pencils to open up the scars on my wrists caused previously by slashing them with a knife.

"Some of the attempts, however, were serious and I tried various methods: large overdoses of various drugs and cutting my wrists seriously. I was determined to succeed then, especially on one occasion I particularly remember. I had taken a large overdose of painkillers and cut my wrists badly with an old rusty penknife which had escaped the general removal of sharp objects. I then drank a whole bottle of Martini, lay down in bed, cuddled my favourite teddy bear and waited to die. Fortunately for me (at the time I thought most unfortunately) my friend Sue arrived shortly afterwards.

"My door was never locked at that time and she let herself in, found I was losing consciousness and called the emergency services. I was taken to hospital and treated against my will. The doctors waited until I lost consciousness then treated me anyway. If euthanasia had been legal then, I would have requested it with no hesitation at all, and if Living Wills had been legally binding, I would certainly have written one, refusing all life saving treatment. I would have satisfied all the supposedly "strict criteria" which pro-euthanasia groups want, and which are mandatory in places where euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal.

"I think I want to live"

"It took my friends, and particularly Colin, my full time assistant ... many years to persuade me that my life did have value. Their efforts and a trip to India in 1995, during which I met with disabled children, who I later began to support financially, helped to turn my life around. After that trip I said to Colin "Do you know, I think I want to live." It was the first time I had thought that for over ten years.

"Had euthanasia or "assisted suicide" been legal I would have missed the best years of my life. And no one would ever have known that the future held such good times, and that the doctors were wrong in thinking I didn't have long to live.

"Some years ago I read a booklet by a young British medical doctor, James Casson, who was dying of cancer. He titled his book "Dying: The Greatest Adventure of my Life." I think there is also a place for a book entitled "Living: The Greatest Adventure of my Life." My life has been full of pain and suffering, true. But it has also been one long adventure, with great highs and great lows. I think my eventual death will also be an adventure - but for now I'm content to wait for that particular adventure to come naturally, in its own time."

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You don't need to be registered to vote to contact your MP, as they are elected to represent every one of their constituents. It's your democratic right to lobby your MP on whatever issues matter to you, so let them know you care strongly about protecting life!Find out which constituency you are in,...

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STOP attack on peaceful freedom of expression STOP the attack on peaceful freedom of expression and freedom to pray outside abortion centres. Petition Closing Date: Friday Moves are being made around Britain to prevent peaceful pro-lifers from praying outside abortion centres and offering support to...

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A letter of gratitude from a mother who was helped by Clare McCullough of the Good Counsel Network, who run the Women's Centre in central London SPUC appeals to anyone who takes part in pro-life vigils to respond to this latest consultation. The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, has launched a national co...

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This little girl is alive today because her Mum was helped by a pro-life pavement counsellor

Under attack

This life-saving work is under attack by the powerful abortion lobby.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) - Britain's biggest abortion provider, responsible for 65,000 abortions each year in the UK - and Marie Stopes International want to ban pro-lifers from standing outside their premises. BPAS stands to lose out financially every time a woman is helped to choose life for her baby. On average, each time a woman decides not to proceed with an abortion the clinic in question stands to lose more than £500 in revenue.

Concerted campaign against pro-life vigils 2017-2018

  • Peaceful, pro-life vigils are being presented as "harassment and intimidation".
  • Councils around the country have passed motions calling for a ban on pro-life vigils.
  • The Home Secretary has launched a review into "abortion protests".

Related Media

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The London Assembly will be discussing Pro-Life demonstrations outside of abortion providers on the 21st of December.We call on the Members of the London Assembly to stand up for freedom of speech.Dear London Assembly,Our free society is built on the tolerance given to different opinions in public l...

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Home Secretary Amber Rudd doesn’t want to hear from pro-lifers and won’t say how much money her review into "harassment and intimidation" outside abortion clinics is costingPeaceful, pro-life vigils outside abortion centres and hospitals have saved thousands of babies and their mothers from abortion...

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Order Petition Materials Order copies of our STOP attack on peaceful freedom of expression paper copies of the petition to collect signatures.
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Get Involved with the Safe at School Campaign For further information contact: info@safeatschool.org.uk
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RSE and PSHE Consultation RSE and PSHE ConsultationThank you for downloading SPUC’s briefing materials and for taking part in the Government's RSE consultation which closed on 12 February. You can read Safe at School's official submission to the consultation by clicking here.What happens now?Officia...

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This Consultation is now closed: Thank you Thank you for downloading SPUC’s briefing materials and for taking part in the Government’s RSE consultation which closed on 12 February. Read on...The Department of Education is running a consultation on:"Changes to the teaching ofSex and Relationship Edu...

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SRE bulletin SRE bulletin Parents can get involved with the Safe at School campaign by helping to raise awareness about harmful sex and relationships education (SRE) in their own neighbourhood. This can be done by distributing the SPUC SRE Bulletin to other parents and organising meetings - large o...

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Help protect unborn children by joining Britain's biggest and oldest pro-life organisation.Everything we do depends on our members - on pro-life volunteers working in their local communities to save lives and doing what they can to end abortion. We don't receive any funding from the government or bi...

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test sdgdgdfgdfghfghdgfg dfgfdgfdgfdgg dfgdgdgfdg hfghghghfghfghfghgfhfghfghfgh page editorfghfghfgh gdgfdgd dfg dfgdfgdfg dfgdfgdffghfghfghfghfghfghgfhfhfgh fghfghfghCopy to clipboardCopy text TEST tweet embedThe pro-life movement is on the rise because we have LOVE on our side. #LoveThemBoth #save...

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