News, A UK pharmacy chain has apologised to a 23-year-old woman who was refused the morning-after pill by two staff members on conscientious grounds. The woman is reported as saying that she was embarrassed in front of other customers in a branch of Boot's the Chemist in Sheffield, south Yorks...

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News, Professor Ian Wilmut, the scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep, has spoken in favour of human cloning as a form of genetic engineering. He claimed to be 'implacably opposed to reproductive cloning per se' but believed that cloning babies to combat genetic disease would be 'desirable unde...

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News, Professor Ian Wilmut, the scientist who cloned Dolly the sheep, has spoken in favour of human cloning as a form of genetic engineering. He claimed to be 'implacably opposed to reproductive cloning per se' but believed that cloning babies to combat genetic disease would be 'desirable under ce...

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News, Concerns have been raised that the National Health Service might have distributed tens of thousands of faulty pregnancy test kits, reports. Dr Sue Ludgate, medical director at the medicines and healthcare products regulation agency said: "Clinicians and health professionals should no...

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News, Concerns have been raised that the National Health Service might have distributed tens of thousands of faulty pregnancy test kits, reports. Dr Sue Ludgate, medical director at the medicines and healthcare products regulation agency said: "Clinicians and health professionals shoul...

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News, The US food and drug administration has postponed a decision on whether to make the morning after pill available without prescription. Opponents of the proposed change have argued that it would encourage irresponsible behaviour and the spread of STIs, whilst the president of the Planned ...

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News, The US food and drug administration has postponed a decision on whether to make the morning after pill available without prescription. Opponents of the proposed change have argued that it would encourage irresponsible behaviour and the spread of STIs, whilst the president of the Planned Pare...

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News, The UN educational, scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO) has agreed to stop producing documents promoting abortion. In January the secretary of US health and human services wrote to UNESCO's director-general, expressing concerns about a recent UNESCO document "unwanted pregnancy and...

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News, The UN educational, scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO) has agreed to stop producing documents promoting abortion. In January the secretary of US health and human services wrote to UNESCO's director-general, expressing concerns about a recent UNESCO document "unwanted pregnancy...

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News, A woman gave birth to her stepbrother after agreeing to be a surrogate for her mother and stepfather. Carole Moore, 29, used a DIY insemination kit given to her by the charity Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy, to impregnate herself with Harry Knight's sperm so as to give the coup...

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News, A woman gave birth to her stepbrother after agreeing to be a surrogate for her mother and stepfather. Carole Moore, 29, used a DIY insemination kit given to her by the charity Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy, to impregnate herself with Harry Knight's sperm so as to give the couple a...

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News, Researchers in South Korea have cloned a human embryo and extracted stem cells for the first time, the Independent reports. The results of the experiment will be reported in the US journal Science. Dr Rudolf Jaemisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge Massachuset...

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News, Researchers in South Korea have cloned a human embryo and extracted stem cells for the first time, the Independent reports. The results of the experiment will be reported in the US journal Science. Dr Rudolf Jaemisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge Massach...

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News, A Preston newspaper has been inundated with calls after it publicised the risk of children developing learning difficulties if their mothers took an epilepsy drug during pregnancy. Epilim was thought to be relatively safe to take during pregnancy but is now thought to be linked with deve...

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News, A Preston newspaper has been inundated with calls after it publicised the risk of children developing learning difficulties if their mothers took an epilepsy drug during pregnancy. Epilim was thought to be relatively safe to take during pregnancy but is now thought to be linked with developm...

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News, The United Nations is asking Ethiopia to legalise abortion. Ms Sjamsiah Achmad of the UN's committee on the elimination of discrimination against women raised the matter at a meeting with the government. UN policy is reportedly not to promote abortion where it is illegal. [, ]...

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News, The United Nations is asking Ethiopia to legalise abortion. Ms Sjamsiah Achmad of the UN's committee on the elimination of discrimination against women raised the matter at a meeting with the government. UN policy is reportedly not to promote abortion where it is illegal. [LifeSiteNews.c]...

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News, The UK's Family Planning Association (FPA) is calling for women to be allowed to stock up on morning-after pills. The FPA says a survey it has conducted suggests support for advance prescribing. It claims that such availability does not mean that women regularly use morning-after pills a...

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News, The UK's Family Planning Association (FPA) is calling for women to be allowed to stock up on morning-after pills. The FPA says a survey it has conducted suggests support for advance prescribing. It claims that such availability does not mean that women regularly use morning-after pills as co...

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News, The former nurse manager at Liverpool Hospital in Australia has given a statement to police saying that she was told not to leave a critically ill patient alone with the doctor amid fears that he would sedate her unnecessarily. Police are currently investigating the death of Audrey Hamilton ...

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