Processing a legacy gift as an executor or solicitor 

Executors have a lot of jobs and responsibilities, and we want to make it as easy for you as possible.

Getting the gifts to us

All gifts can be processed in our London office – even for SPUC Scotland or for the SPUC Education and Research Trust.

Depending on the beneficiary, please make the cheque payable to one of the following:

  • SPUC Pro-life Ltd (the national organisation)
  • SPUC Education and Research Trust (charity number 1143342)

Then please send the cheque to:

SPUC, 3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London, SE11 4AB.

Please include the following details:

  • The full name of the deceased
  • The address of the deceased
  • The executor's name and contact details

If you let us know as soon as possible, then we can make sure that the deceased is removed from our mailing lists - it can seem insensitive and be upsetting if mailings continue to be sent.

If you would like to pay by BACS, please send the funds to the following account, giving the name of the deceased as the reference.

Bank: HSBC

Account name: SPUC PRO-LIFE LTD

Account number: 51170546

Sort code: 40-07-13

Please also help us to allocate the payment properly by emailing us at with the following information:

  • The full name of the deceased
  • The address of the deceased
  • The executor's name and contact details

Tax benefits

Charities are exempt from inheritance tax and capital gains tax. Gifts left to the SPUC Education and Research Trust can normally be paid free of inheritance tax and can be deducted from the estate before the final tax figures is calculated.

Regarding capital gains tax: in some cases, we can reclaim capital gains tax and income tax. These matters can become very complicated, so it is best to speak to a solicitor or to get in touch with us at

Charity details

SPUC Research and Education Trust

Unit B-D, 3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB.

Registered Charity no. 1143342 

Leaving items to SPUC

In most cases we are unable to deal with items unless they are of a certain value or rarity. For example, we can arrange for artwork, wine collections, libraries or things of this nature to be valued and sold by professionals - but we do not have a shop where we can sell individual small items.

Please contact us on to arrange these matters.

Contact our Legacies team

If you are an executor or a solicitor administering a Will that includes a gift to SPUC, we are ready to help you with any questions you may have.


SPUC does not provide any legal or tax advice. Supporters are advised to consult independent legal or tax representatives.


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