Project Truth

Help us bring the pro-life message to the streets of the UK, one city at a time.

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Project Truth is the UK's largest pro-life youth outreach initiative. We bring young people together to take the pro-life message to the streets.

We focus on starting conversations with the public on the issue of abortion, and distributing information on the development of unborn humans in the womb, crisis pregnancy support centres, and post-abortion care centres.

Our factual information on life before birth focuses on foetal development at 10 weeks gestation. This is when most abortions take place in the UK. The slogan we use to illustrate this is:

For some of us...10 weeks is a lifetime.

At 10 weeks from conception, an unborn baby already has:

  • a heartbeat
  • arms and legs
  • fingers and toes
  • all of their bodily organs
  • eyes and nose
  • ears

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How we work

All of the young people involved in Project Truth believe in the dignity of every human life from the moment of conception and feel called to stand up in defence of each life that is threatened in the womb.

Project Truth is about bringing the truth to the streets, a truth which is so often hidden because of the controversial nature of the abortion issue.

We aim to break the silence and to engage in positive discussions with members of the public. We hope to change hearts and minds one conversation at a time.

Until each unborn child is protected by law, we will continue to fight for the right to life.

Making a Difference

As we step out onto the streets, we have in mind those who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy, and those who have been hurt by abortion.

We know that many women find themselves in extremely difficult circumstances when they discover they are pregnant, and are often pushed towards abortion.

A crucial element of being pro-life is to ensure that we offer women practical support during a crisis pregnancy. We know that as well as ending a human life, abortion can damage mothers, families, and wider society.

All of our leaflets include information about crisis pregnancy and post-abortion helplines. These organisations help to support women and families.


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